Monday, November 11, 2019

RescindentArchives - VLC, OBS, NVENC and PSUs

If you had wandered into my archive stream at any point in the last few days you would notice how it was starting, freezing, ending and resetting. I apologise for this downtime and subsequent loss of time from a viewer's perspective, but the intention of this post is to provide a hint to anyone that encounters the problem I had experienced.

Why is VLC media player freezing/ crashing and OBS crashing unexpectedly?

There could be any number of reasons, but in my case there were no logs or crash dumps to provide an explanation. After trying several nvidia drivers I trust to be stable I stumbled upon a forum discussing the possibility of their PC’s Power Supply Unit (PSU). Unable to find a software solution to my issue I thought, "what the hell", and dug out a PSU from a server I am repairing. I write this post at 8pm, 7 hours after going live, and neither VLC nor OBS have crashed. No, I did not publish this after writing it... just in case!

Answer: When nothing else works, try changing your Power Supply Unit (PSU)!

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RescindentArchives Status Update and new Roadmap

Status Update  It has been some time since I wrote blog entry because of life becoming busy so I'll try to summarise the current status ...